I'm making 2015 my B#%tch.
So I mentioned in my first blog post that darnit, I'm going to make 2015 my B-word. It will bow down to me. It will wonder what smacked it in the face, knocked it out cold, and put it on a shelf with creepy porcelain dolls with dead eyes. I have no idea where that came from. ack hem... moving on...
This is what I'm going to do in 2015, for realz, yo:
1.) Track. On the first of every month I'm going to take a picture of myself, track my weight progress, take measurements, and ya know, just monitor my progress. I can't always see my progress and for me the number on the scale doesn't register anything with me. Weight can fluctuate from day to day. I could be wearing a soaking wet parka with many pockets filled with coins and rocks, or feeling extra light because I just finished a beet experiment and I'm empty inside. (Don't ask.) Anyway, I'd like to be able to see in pictures and measurements how I'm progressing. I want something concrete so I can see that I'm making strides to being healthier and more fit.
2.) Exercise. Woof. I have this cool Withings Pulse O2 that I'm really loving even though it tells me every day that I don't move enough. Darnit. I sit at a desk all day long and I might possibly turn into a big butted lady but not the nice Beyonce kind of butt. The People of Walmart kind of butt. You know the type, but just in case....
Yeah, sorry for that.
Here's a picture of a cute puppy to flush that image out of your mind.....
OK, Where was I? Oh yeah, Exercise. Ugh. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna get organized about it so I don't just wander around the gym looking busy too, like some dudes. I have this awesome book, New Rules of Weightlifting for Women. It is awesome. I'm going to start there. I've followed the program before and had a lot of success and then stopped for no good reason. That was dumb. I find that going into the gym with a workout plan helps me. I usually have limited time so I like to plan out my exercises so I can go through them bing, bang, batta-boom. I like to do a leg exercise and instead of resting on the bench and taking up space like some people, (yeah I'm talking to you ya stupid gym lug!) I do an arm exercise right away. Maybe that's wrong, I dunno, but the minute I could spend resting in between reps I feel like it's better that I'm keeping my heart rate up and working a different body part. Then I go back and do it all over again and get in my reps. I'm a multi-tasker. Maybe at the end of this I'll see a bicep muscle protrude. Now I'm getting crazy.
I also want to try the Catching Fire 30 day challenge from the people at Body Rock. They have a lot of good stuff on their website and facebook page. These are 12 minute workouts that kick your bootay and use little to no workout equipment. Each HIIT workout is on youtube. Check 'em out. I have them pinned on my pinterest board for easy access. Don't worry. They include rest days. Phew.
3.) Eat good schtuff. This does not mean I'm going to follow a fad diet or do anything earth shattering. No atkins, or juicing cleanse or skinny pills. You know, just make better food choices. More Rabbit food, less flamin' hot cheetos. More lean meats, less fried cheese curds. More whole grains, less Krispy Kremes. More Jolly Green Giant, less Ronald McDonald. I'll be saying in my head "I can have a WHOLE giant plate of these yummy roasted vegetables and be stuffed to the brim OR a snickers bar and be starving 2 minutes later. And hopefully 99.999% of the time I'll NOT choose the snickers. Will I have a burger every now and then? Of course. But will I go to Kuma's Corner Monday, Wednesday, Saturday and every other Sunday? No. It'll be hard though. Have you ever been? It's delicious.
4.) Drink Mas Aqua. I've heard about people who carry a gallon of water around with them and aim to drink a gallon a day. That's 128 oz or 4 Nalgene bottles. Here's one article I read about it. The health benefits are incredible. I want in. Besides a big bottom, sitting at a desk all day also affects how much water I drink. I NEVER get up to fill my bottle of water. No Bueno. The Diary of a Fit mommy Blog offers "One simple trick to drink more H20". Easy enough. I would just have to do that 4 times throughout the day with my 32 oz Nalgene bottle. Hers is pictured below. I could just space mine out twice as much...
I can't tell a lie, this might be what mine ends up looking like.
![“there’s a chance this is vodka” water bottle. Haha I love this!](http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/56/ec/03/56ec0342be3b4f773ea380086b8d434a.jpg)
I think that's a great place to start. On January 1 I will be posting my beginning pictures and thoughts. Here goes nuthin!! Bring it, 2015!
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