Monday, February 2, 2015

Can I have a re-do?

Well shoot, my diet "pause" button got stuck.
I'm hitting Play again and ready to get back at it.
Man, once you get out of your groove it really is hard to get back at it!  Life does get in the way sometimes and you have to try your best not to get thrown completely off track.  Sometimes life hands you a cheeseburger....and darn it, sometimes you pick that over a salad.  OH, and that burger tastes so good....  But instead of thinking, well yesterday I had a burger, why don't I have wings and french fries today?  Ooooooh, Fettuccine Alfredo!  PIZZA!?!?!  Why not?  And then you find yourself right back where you started.... ugh.
I need to learn that if I cheat, I can get back on track at the NEXT MEAL, not the next day, or week, or month, etc....  My entire week isn't ruined just because I had a Fish Fry instead of the baked fish.
THE WORST thing I did this week?  I went to Cardio Kickboxing at my new gym and THEN my friend and fellow workout buddy went to dinner.  At the Chinese buffet next door.  **face palm**  Those people who put that restaurant right next door to the gym knew what they were doing and there's a special place in HELL for them... right between to the tiny boobed girl who thought strapless bras were a good idea and the person who made those mirrors that make you look fat, not the fun house mirrors that make you funny fat, the mirrors that make you look just subtly fat.  Just enough for you to second guess that really cute dress you bought and loved.  But I digress.....
I know I'm not alone in falling off the wagon.  I just got a membership at that gym next to the China buffet and darnit, I'm going to have to park in the parking lot on the movie theatre side, not the China Buffet side.  It's just too hard to walk past that place!  Don't judge me.  If you smelled that tantalizing aroma, you'd get shaky and weak in the knees too!
I'm gonna get back at it, I promise!  Pinky Swear.  I'll even spit in my palm and shake your hand if you want.  It's gross though, so please don't make me.
Do you have a "falling off the wagon" story to share?  I'd love to hear it!

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