If you're anything like me maybe you can relate to this post, or maybe you're in the position where you're company rocks and has health promotion on the brain and has encouraged people to find an alternative to SITTING ALL DAY at their desks.
From the hours of 8-5 I probably get up only to go to the bathroom and the copier, say a total of 10 times. I would think that the time I spend standing or walking is no more than 30 minutes total. If I walk on my lunch break, we usually go anywhere from 20 minutes to 30 minutes. So, that means I'm on my butt at my desk for about 8-8.5 hours before I even go home. HOLY CRAP.
If you haven't seen these info-graphics on the internet already, ready below at the staggering statistics. Below the infographic is also a youtube video about the "Kangaroo Desk." A great option for those who want to stand, but it's not a commitment to stand for 8-9 hours a day because you can adjust it so you can stand OR sit at your desk. Pretty cool!
Check out this option for a desk that allows you to go from sitting to standing and back again whenever you want:
I started wearing a pedometer to track how few steps I actually take a day. Most days I don't get over 2,000 steps before I get home from work. That is pathetic! I'm really trying to consciously get up from my desk more often. Coincidentally, I'm also trying to drink more water. Drink more water=more trips to the bathroom. BOOM.
My friend Star made a pitch to the wellness team at her company. She said, and I quote, "I think having a desk job is keeping me fat!" and I can't say I disagree with her! She sent me her pitch and included a sample letter that would be handy if you wanted to urge your employer to take the steps to help create a healthier workforce by offering employees alternatives to sitting all day. She's a lot braver than me, I think my boss would laugh in my face... but I guess, it doesn't hurt to ask?
This letter is provided by Anthro, who makes standing furniture, so obviously they want to make this easy for you. :)
Go forth and be healthy!! :)
Yeay! Healthy workplaces rock. I really hope I get a standing desk one day...and if I do, I will give you my review of it.